Power Query: the definitive beginners' guide • UpSlide

Power Query: the definitive beginners' guide • UpSlide

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Microsoft Download Center: Windows, Office, Xbox & More.How to Install Excel’s Power Query and Power Pivot add-ins — Lightdotlab 



Microsoft Office shared tools - Wikipedia.How to use Power BI in Microsoft Office - Quora

  V1 lacks a lot of features that were later released in V2, so you should never install V1 today. If your company is using this CRM, then you will need this app. I have created a new calculated column below see Creating a Calculated Column below which sorts the Accounting Data table by Amount. Power BI. Password Recovery works with Excel versions to on Windows.  

SharePoint - Wikipedia.A Complete Guide to Power Query in Excel [ Edition]


It is time-consuming to convert them to Euros, even more to then consolidate them into the final report. What if you could automate the process and compute your report in a few minutes only using Power Query? Now we will see how to consolidate different data sources and merge them with the table we prepared in the previous section.

A new window should appear. A new window appears:. You just loaded another data source, merged queries and retrieved the corresponding exchange rate. I want to turn it over to you: did you understand all the above questions about Power Query?

Did you download our tutorial files and follow the above guidelines to try it on your own? Let us know by leaving a quick comment below right now! Thanks for this great post on Excel Power Query—a perfect resource for those who are just starting to understand how useful this tool can be. I also came across another post that takes this information to the next level, and shows 5 actionable ways to use Power Query in the work setting.

This is just awesome. Just starting to learn PQ and these helpful tips just gives me the grounding to learn PQ. Thanks so much. Direct access to content Direct access to menu Back. Table of Contents hide. Part 1: Frequently asked questions about Power Query 1.

What is Power Query? When should I use it? What is the difference between Power Query and Power Pivot? Is Microsoft Power Query free? Is there a Power Query for Mac? Part 2: Get started with Power Query! How to download Power Query? The data is available down to the hour. It also includes geocoding allowing to get the weather for a specific address.

Spreadsheet - Free l Before starting to build spreadsheets from scratch, you might sometimes want to pick up a nice template and work on it. That's exactly what you can do with Spreadsheet, a library of templates with financial statements, budgeting, payroll, invoicing, time sheets, checklists or inventory management templates.

Capital Budgeting - Free l This Jensen add-in is made to identify optimized portfolios. Define a potential portfolio by providing its initial investment, annual return, salvage value and life. The model will use the standard deviation to estimate risk and will identify the optimized portfolio. Inventory - Free l This Jensen add-in computes inventories, with the possibility to integrate backorders, lost sales, finite or infinite replenishment rates.

The model identifies the optimum lot size with cost breaks. Bubbles - Free l This app lets you create nice and colorful bubble charts, to display 3 or 4 dimensions of information. Use the horizontal and vertical axes, bubble size and colors to display complex information in a simple way. Bubbles works on Excel and later on Windows, as well as Excel for Mac. Use it to crunch your Analytics data and identify how you can bring more traffic to your website.

It can access data from Majestic SEO, Moz and Grepwords and bring it to Excel for you to work on it and identify how you can boost your website's ranking. Checkbook Assistant - Free l This add-in can help you manage your personal finance, letting you do you checkbooks and bank statements with Excel. You can move rows up or down in a single click, so you can align your Excel records with your bank statements.

The tool detects and highlights the first unprocessed row. The plugin can also create a load detail year by year with the due capital and interest payments, as well as the remaining capital. Define a list of questions and their answers, choose the order or make it random and run it to get questions asked like flash cards and make it a game in a private or professional situation.

The plugin is free and works with Excel and later. It is not supported on Mac. Features include join, merge, query, summarize, find duplicates, split data, etc. The tool works with Excel versions and later on Windows, but is not available for Mac.

This plugin works with Excel and later on Windows only. Conditional Row Delete - Free l This small add-in simplifies the process of deleting rows selectively, based for instance on the value in a specific column. Created by Ron de Bruin, it contains a collection of utility tools that can be relevant time-savers in several situations. The tool works on Windows only, for any version of Excel above XLTools Calendar - Free l When working with dates in Excel, it can be a pain - and a possible source of errors - to type manually multiple dates.

With this app you can now just pick a date in a calendar and it will be automatically formatted as date. Favorite Bookmarks - Free l Use this add-in to bookmark your favorite workbooks, sheets or range, so you can find and open them anytime from other Excel spreadsheets. The tools is available on Windows only, for Excel versions and later.

It simplifies the process of coloring your cells, while creating a unique visual Excel language for everyone to understand the nature of each cell. BrushTools works on Excel and , but is not available on Mac computers. When you have a workbook open, you can just click on the buttons on the ribbon to send it in an Outlook email, with options to send the entire workbook, just the active worksheet, or to send is with values instead of formulas.

RDBmail works with Excel to on Windows. Intrinio - Free l Intrinio lets you screen all equities in the United States, using filters on parameters to identify the equities that meet your requirements, such as current stock price, return on equity, dividend yield, price to earnings ratio, sector, employee count, etc.

Intrinio only works on Windows with Excel or later. The app works with Excel and later on Windows as well as with Excel for Mac. Multiple pictures can be inserted at the same time from a path. There is no version for Mac. The tool comes with 9 different chart types, including Waterfall charts, Marimekko and Tornado charts. It is compatible with Excel and later on PC. Conclusion :. Excel is among the most used software in the world, and a key tool for business in most companies.

If you needed to use data in these quantities in the past, you had to move to a database tool, or for most Excel users, you needed to get IT to do it for you. That is not the case any more with Power Pivot for Excel bit. I regularly use workbooks with 50 million rows of data on my PC in Excel and it works a charm — as long as you have bit Office. What will happen in many cases is people will start using bit. As soon as they realise how super powerful Power Pivot is to them and their job, they will start inventing new ways of doing fabulous things they never could do before.

So if you have a choice, you should work with your IT Department to get the bit version installed. This will save time and rework for everyone down the track.

And note that this applies to everyone that wants to open the workbook on their PC. Matt shares lots of free content on this website every week. Subscribe to the newsletter and you will receive an update whenever a new article is posted.

Skip to content. But if you have bit hardware you do have a choice — so read on. On bit hardware, there are 2 choices for the operating system layer. You can install bit Windows or bit Windows it has to be Windows if you want to use Power Pivot.

Do I really need the bit version of Power Pivot? Power Pivot for Excel makes it easy to create a date table quickly in order to consolidate by months, quarters, and days of the week. The user can also create a more custom date table to analyze by weeks, fiscal years, or any organization-specific groupings.

Besides measures, there is another type of calculation: calculated columns. Excel users will be comfortable writing these formulas, as they are very similar to writing formulas in data tables. I have created a new calculated column below see Creating a Calculated Column below which sorts the Accounting Data table by Amount. Or, we can create a chart of Average Sales for each day of the week using the new Calendar table.

While this chart looks simple, it is impressive that it took less than ten seconds to create a consolidation over two million rows of data, without adding a new column to the sales data. While being able to perform all these consolidated reporting scenarios, we can always still drill down into the individual line items. We retain our highly granular data. So far, most of the analysis I have shown are relatively straightforward calculations.

Now, I want to demonstrate the some of the more advanced capabilities of this platform. Often, when we examine financial results, we want to compare it to a comparable timeframe from the previous year. Power Pivot has some built-in time intelligence functions. For example, adding just two measures above to the Accounting Data table in Power Pivot enables me to produce the following PivotTable in a few clicks.

As a financial analyst, one problem I often have to solve is that of mismatched granularities. To further this mismatch, we will prepare a quarterly budget, even through the sales data is daily.

With Power Pivot for Excel, this inconsistency is easily solved. By creating two additional reference tables, or dimension tables in database nomenclature, we can now create the appropriate relationships to analyze our actual sales against the budgeted amounts. Further, we can define new measures that calculate the variance between actual sales and budgeted sales as below:.

I created the two measures below:. Notice how the calculations are performed at both the category and seasonal type level. I love how quickly and effortlessly these calculations are performed on such a large dataset. These are just a few examples of the elegance and sheer computational power of Power Pivot.

Another benefit is that file sizes shrink. The original file size was 91MB, and now it is under 4MB. How does this happen? Power Pivot uses the xVelocity engine to compress the data. In simple terms, the data is stored in columns rather than rows. This storage method allows the computer to compress duplicate values.

In our example dataset, there are only four regions that are repeated over all two million rows. Power Pivot for Excel can more efficiently store this data. The result is that for data that have many repeating values, it costs much less to store this data.

One thing to note is that I used whole-dollar amounts in this sample dataset. Power Pivot models can also be scalable to the entire enterprise.

At this point, you may not want thirty different users refreshing the model or making changes. All the tables and relationships are retained, but now you can control the refresh frequency, assign roles e. The result is that your users could then access the deployed Tabular model with a small workbook, but not have access to the formulas and measures.



- Microsoft office standard 2010 power query free


SharePoint is a web-based collaborative platform that integrates natively with Microsoft Office. Launched in[6] SharePoint is primarily sold as a document management and storage system, but the product is highly configurable and its usage varies substantially among organizations. According to Microsoftas of December [update] SharePoint had million users. SharePoint Standard may also be licensed through a cloud model.

SharePoint Server is provided to organizations that seek greater control over SharePoint's behavior or design. This product is installed on customers' IT infrastructure.

It receives fewer frequent updates but has access to a wider set of features and customization capabilities. A free version called 'Foundation' was discontinued in SharePoint Enterprise may also be licensed through a cloud model. Microsoft's hosted SharePoint is typically bundled in Microsoft subscriptions, but can be licensed separately. It is limited to a core set of collaboration, file hosting, and document and content management scenarios, and is updated on a frequent basis, but is typically comparable with SharePoint Enterprise.

SharePoint online is available in all Microsoft Plans. SharePoint usage varies from organization to organization. The product encompasses a wide variety of capabilities, most of which require configuration and governance.

SharePoint allows for storage, retrieval, searching, archiving, tracking, management, and reporting on electronic documents and records. Many of the functions microsoft office standard 2010 power query free this product are designed around various legal, information management, and process requirements in organizations. SharePoint also provides search and 'graph' functionality.

This capability is often used to replace an existing corporate file serverand is typically coupled with an enterprise content management policy. A SharePoint вот ссылка or intranet portal is a way to centralize access to enterprise information and applications.

It is a tool that helps an organization manage its internal communications, applications and information more easily. Microsoft claims that this has organizational benefits such as increased employee engagementcentralizing process managementreducing new staff on-boarding costs, and providing the means to microsoft office standard 2010 power query free and share tacit knowledge e.

SharePoint contains team collaboration groupware capabilities, including: project scheduling integrated with Outlook and Project microsoft office standard 2010 power query free, social collaboration, shared mailboxes, and project related document storage and collaboration. WebDAV can be used to access files without using the web interface. For example, WebDAV applications have to support the language tagging functionality of the XML specification [23] which Microsoft's implementation doesn't.

Only Windows XP to Windows 8 are supported. SharePoint's custom development capabilities provide an additional layer of services that allow rapid prototyping of integrated typically line-of-business web applications. Enterprise application developers use SharePoint's security and information management capabilities across a variety of development platforms and scenarios.

SharePoint also contains an enterprise "app store" that has different types of external applications which microsoft office standard 2010 power query free encapsulated and managed to access to resources such as corporate user data and document microsoft office standard 2010 power query free.

SharePoint provides free-form pages which may be edited in-browser. These may be used to provide content to users, or to provide structure microsoft office standard 2010 power query free the SharePoint environment. Web parts and app parts are components also known as portlets that can be inserted into Pages.

They are used to display information from both SharePoint and third-party applications. In SharePointsome of these were renamed back to Lists and Libraries. A SharePoint Site is a collection of pages, lists, libraries, apps, configurations, features, content types, and sub-sites.

Examples of Site templates in SharePoint include: collaboration team sites, communication sites, organization sites, wiki sites, library autodesk revit material free 2019 sites, and publishing sites. SharePoint is primarily configured through a web browser.

The web-based user interface provides most of the configuration capability of the product. A significant subset of HTML editing features were removed in Designerand the product is expected to be deprecated in —7. Configuration of server farm settings e.

While Central Administration is limited to farm-wide settings config DBit provides access to tools such as the 'SharePoint Health Analyzer', a diagnostic health-checking tool. In addition to PowerShell's farm configuration features, some limited tools are made available привожу ссылку administering or adjusting settings for sites or site collections in content databases.

A limited subset of these features are available by SharePoint's SaaS providers, including Microsoft. SharePoint Server can be scaled down to operate entirely from one developer machine, or scaled up to be managed across hundreds of machines. A SharePoint farm is a logical grouping of SharePoint servers that share common resources. Each farm has its own central configuration database, which is managed through either a PowerShell interface, or a Central Administration website which relies partly on PowerShell's infrastructure.

Each server in the farm is able to directly interface with the central configuration database. Servers use this to configure services e. IISwindows features, database connections to match the requirements of the farm, and to report server health issues, resource allocation issues, etc Web applications WAs are top-level containers for content in a SharePoint farm. A web application is associated primarily with IIS configuration.

Web Application Servers configured in the farm. A site collection is a hierarchical group of 'SharePoint Sites'. Each web application must have at least one site collection. Site collections share common properties detailed herecommon subscriptions to service applications, and can be configured with unique host names. Service applications provide granular pieces of SharePoint functionality to other web and service applications in the farm.

Examples of service applications include the User Profile Sync service, and the Search Indexing service. A service application can be turned off, exist on one server, or be load-balanced across many servers in a microsoft office standard 2010 power query free.

Service Applications are designed to have independent functionality and independent security scopes. SharePoint's architecture enables a 'least-privileges' execution permission model. SharePoint Central Administration the CA is a web application that typically exists on a single server in the farm; however, it is also able to be deployed for redundancy to multiple servers.

The structure of the SharePoint platform enables multiple WAs to exist on a single farm. In a shared cloud hosting environment, owners of these WAs may require their own management console. The SharePoint 'Tenant Administration' TA is an optional web application used by web application owners to manage how their web application interacts with the shared resources in the farm.

It targeted simple, bottom-up collaboration. The searching and indexing capabilities of SharePoint came from the "Tahoe" feature set. The search and indexing features were a combination of the index and crawling features microsoft office standard 2010 power query free the Microsoft Site Server family of products and 405 hazelnut drive monroeville pa free the query language of Microsoft Index Server. GAC- Global Assembly Cache is used to accommodate the shared assemblies that are specifically designated to be shared by applications executed on a system.

Sources: [43] [44]. Sources: [46] [47]. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article contains content that is written like an advertisement. Please help improve it microsoft office standard 2010 power query free removing promotional content and inappropriate external linksand by adding encyclopedic content written from a neutral point microsoft office standard 2010 power query free view.

November Learn how and when to remove this template message. Web application platform. Main articles: Enterprise content management and para microsoft office home and 2007 management. Main articles: Intranet portal and Social Network. Main articles: Personal Cloud and File hosting service. Main article: Software framework. Main article: SharePoint Designer.

Microsoft TechNet. Microsoft Corporation. July 24, Retrieved October 23, Microsoft Documentation. November 2, Retrieved January 24, Microsoft Docs. Retrieved December 17, App Store. MSDN Blogs. Archived from the original on 13 August Retrieved 13 August Microsoft Blog. Retrieved March 27, Microsoft SharePoint Marketing Website.

Retrieved August 13, Retrieved November 8, Retrieved July 24, Microsoft Office.


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